Hello everyone,
Thank you so very much for the opportunity to speak to your clubs, and for your kind replies. It means a lot to have feedback about what you found helpful or inspiring. I would GREATLY appreciate if you, or any other members, would post a comment on the post I made in the ICM Photo Magazine facebook group. It would be really helpful for members of the group to hear your thoughts about my presentation.
Thank you again and I am sincerely looking forward to seeing the results of your ICM Photography competition!
Oh by the way, I found out why I lost connection at 3:00am. Turns out that the guy who manages the tech at the cabin where we’re staying has programmed the internet router to shut down and reset at 3:00am every day, and it takes five minutes to fully reset. It would have been nice to know this! I was sweating bullets wondering what was happening. This router reset corrects issues caused by guests who get in and muck about with the internet settings. I was relieved to know that this issue wasn’t something I did, and it also was not an issue from your end!

The link to ICM Photo Magazine Facebook group is: ICMPhotoMag – ICM Photography Magazine (Group) | Facebook If you are not a member, just send a join request and we will approve it.

This is the post I would sincerely appreciate you adding comments on:

Christopher Weeks PhotographyVancouver, BCChris@ChristopherWeeks.com

EDITOR’S NOTE: Following on from Christopher’s recommendations last night I can highly recommend this Facebook Page and also subscribing to, or at least purchasing a copy of the ICM Photo Magazine. It is absolutely packed with wonderful information and articles around ICM photography. You will learn a lot and get wonderful inspiration.